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Research Regional Futures | Creative Innovation & Connection

Thinking about a future, a creative future, a regional future we are often drawn to the
collective. A whole of government approach, a whole of industry approach, a whole of
ecosystem approach. As we listen, observe and understand conversations around practice,
place and creativity we are reminded to broaden our perspective and ways of thinking.
What does sustainable practice look like, what does a future based management system
mean? We are increasingly asked to question the systems in which we work, systems of
knowledge and systems of thought.

Economically we talk about systems. A system being simply a set of things that are
interconnected in ways that produce distinct patterns of behaviour – be they cells in
an organism, protestors in a crowd, birds in a flock, members of a family, or banks in the
financial network. How do we recognise creative systems and respect their intrinsic value
and create a thriving balance. What are the values, norms and networks that help shape
and inform our behaviours and priorities – how can they be nurtured and nudged?