About the Regional Arts Fund
The Regional Arts Fund is an ongoing program that provides approximately $6 million per year to support artists and communities in regional and remote areas. The Regional Arts Fund is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression.
The Regional Arts Fund aligns with Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place, the Australian Government’s five-year plan to renew Australia’s arts, entertainment, and cultural sector. Revive recognises that regional and remote arts practice is critical to a vibrant national arts sector that reflects Australia’s depth and diversity. A thriving cultural and creative sector is also crucial to supporting Australia’s regional audiences, communities and local economies. A key initiative in Revive is increased support of $8.5 million over four years from 2023-24 for the Regional Arts Fund. To learn more about what the Australian Government is doing to support Australian Regional Arts, download Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place.
The Regional Arts Fund is managed by Regional Arts Australia on behalf of the Australian Government. Regional Arts Australia contracts Regional Program Administrators in each state and territory to deliver the program and award grants to artists, arts workers and organisations.

The Regional Arts Fund supports artists and communities in regional and remote areas. Funds can be used to:
- encourage and support sustainable economic, social and cultural development in regional communities;
- develop partnerships and networks which leverage support for projects and encourage ongoing collaboration;
- develop audiences and broaden community engagement with the arts; and
- increase employment, professional development opportunities and profile of regional and remote artists.
Project Grants and Quick Response Grants are delivered on an open, competitive basis. For information about funding available and how to apply, see: Information for Applicants.
Regional Arts Australia played a vital role in the establishment of the Regional Arts Fund (RAF) in 1996 and has managed the fund on behalf of the Australian Government, with the network of Regional Program Administrators, since 2001.
2001: Initial agreement commenced: $10.1 million over four years.
2004: Fund increased to $16.1 million over four years.
2008: Fund decreased to $11.1 million over four years.
2012: Fund increased to $12.5 million over four years.
2016: Fund increased to $13.5 million over four years.
2020: Agreement extended by one year due to the impacts of Covid-19. Additional $10 million provided through the Recovery Boost program to support the recovery of the creative ecosystem in regional Australia.
2021: Additional $5 million provided through the Cultural Tourism Fund to support tourism experiences in regional Australia.
2021: Fund increased to $21.5 million over six years.
2023: Announcement of uplift to the fund through Revive, the Australian Government’s five-year plan to renew Australia’s arts, entertainment, and cultural sector. Fund increased by $8.5 million over four years commencing 2023-24.
In addition to RAF Project and Quick Response Grants, Regional Arts Australia has delivered targeted programs through the Regional Arts Fund, on behalf of the Australian Government: