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Regional Art Stories Caleb Nichols-Mansell on Artlands 2021

I always knew this post was going to be the hardest… How do I condense three days of knowledge sharing, conversations and learning into one post that wraps up an incredible conference?

ARTLANDS 2021 bought together a community of creatives, makers, and administrators, not only here in Tasmania but right across the country in a time where connection is more important than ever; during a moment where we feel more disconnected than ever. It was fitting that the theme for our final day was connect as it was exactly this that ARTLANDS managed to do over the short period of time we shared together.

From our opening keynote by Dave mangenner Gough through to our wrap-up with Denise Robinson, ARTLANDS was a showcase of the stories, relationships, development and growth of individuals, practices, processes within the creative industry more broadly. It was an honest telling of where we currently are and where we still must go.

We were reminded of our moral obligations as artist and art workers to create a more just and fairer society through our mediums and creative expression. We reflected on the tropes and misrepresentation of our shared histories and this nations narrative and looked at only some of the many incredible initiatives happening across our industry.

We heard stories from across the country about the benefits and power of arts and culture on our communities, our health, and our world view. As well as how art and cultural industries can be used as a mechanism to influence and implement change through generating conversations and broadening understanding.

ARTLANDS was a needed moment to celebrate what has been achieved and look forward to what still needs to be done to ensure that the sector remains an accessible and safe environment for all.

- Caleb

Artlands 2021 - It's a Wrap - photo by Nick Hansen
Artlands 2021. It's a Wrap. Photo by Nick H Visuals