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Media Centre Be part of the inaugural Regional Arts Australia Knowledge Circle

Be part of the inaugural Regional Arts Australia Knowledge Circle

The Knowledge Circle is a new approach to facilitate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and advise RAA and its network around cultural responses, strategy and policy.

The Knowledge Circle will be co designed with the inaugural cohort supported to strengthen national networks and relationships and enhance arts and creative practice and cultural awareness across regional Australia.

RAA is seeking to

  • Engage a First Nations consultant to oversee the design, engagement and development of the project;
  • Facilitate the appointment of nine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders artists and cultural practitioners from across Australia to form the Knowledge Circle;
  • Coordinate a meeting calendar over a two-­‐year period (approximately three times a year); and
  • Provide a stipend fee to First Nations participants for their involvement in the program as well as logistics and travel support were required

We welcome Expression of Interest from all First Nations people

To apply please complete the EOI form

Applications are also accepted via audio and or video

All enquiries in the first instance via email to

Do you have passion, time and a commitment to arts and creativity?

Knowledge circle