Resources and Toolkits Australian National Touring Charter
PAC Australia has just released the Australian National Touring Charter, a new standards-driven document designed to support the touring and mobility of performing arts work.
The framework has been developed in consultation with the Touring Advisory Group (TAG) co-convened by PAC Australia and Regional Arts Australia. We are proud to work with this group, aiming to ensure there is a consistent and coordinated approach to developing policy positions and strategies which will support artists, producers, presenters and tour coordinators, and ultimately audiences, involved in performing arts touring.
The Charter represents the standard expectations and considerations for participating in touring activity, ensuring high-quality touring outcomes that make performing arts experiences accessible to audiences and communities across Australia. It articulates standards and defines responsibilities between all parties involved to ensure fair, transparent, efficient, and mutually beneficial touring practices.
It also provides a framework of obligations and expectations throughout all stages of tour development and delivery, allowing parties to achieve their individual and agreed shared outcomes.
National and state touring is supported by various funding programs delivered by all levels of government, and the cost of presenting the touring work is also often subsidised by the presenter. The Charter provides confidence to funding partners when granting public and private contributions to touring activities.