Shandell Cummings / Knowledge Circle Participant
Shandell is a Merningar (Meer-ning-ar) yorga (Menang woman) from the south coast of western Australia near Albany.
Shandell is an Aboriginal woman with ties to Menang boodja (country) on the south coast of WA. Her past career choices have included natural resource management, family violence and youth work, and it is this varied experience that has allowed Shandell to build a tremendous number of skills and experience working with and for Aboriginal community.
Shandell is currently a Project Officer for Regional Arts WA and is based within the regions. A key highlight for Shandell in this role has been the development and endorsement of the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for Regional Arts WA. A key focus for the upcoming two (2) years will be delivering on the organisations RAP and supporting First Nations artists and organisations across the regions, and she firmly believes being based within a regional context will support this.
Shandell has also completed her Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Anthropology and Sociology, and Indigenous Knowledge Heritage & History. This supports her tutoring of other students that are currently undertaking university studies.
Shandell is also a practicing First Nation artist, among her portfolio she has showcased at REVEALED2020, had artworks selected at the WA Museum Boola Bardip project and has also had the opportunity to collaborate on three major public art projects in Albany with one of those being the rejuvenated Alison Hartman Gardens with the City of Albany. Shandell is passionate in sharing Aboriginal culture with the wider community and her art supports this. Shandell believes strongly that it is pivotal to build the capacity and ability of our First Nations communities to achieve positive outcomes, and she is keen to support communities to develop and grow along their journey.