Jude Anderson / Artlands 2023
Jude Anderson is an award-winning live performance maker, and founder and Artistic Director of Punctum Inc. based on Djaara Country, Central Victoria.
She has over 30 years of experience making regionally based contemporary performance work in Australia, Europe, and South America as a director, choreographer, live artist, writer, dramaturge, designer, and curator. She is highly regarded for her advocacy for contemporary and collaborative art practice in rural and regional settings and her development of broaderecosystems of practice and presentation. She has had numerous national and international commissions from major producers, presenters, and festivals, and has established a nationally renowned regionally based residency program where hundreds of artists have developed the practice and new works. A questioning of systems often threads her practice and themes she explores through her poetics are relationships with the environment, migration, anddisplacement. She is the 2018 Australia Council Fellow for Experimental and Emerging Arts Practice and recipient of the 2019 Geoffrey Milne Award for Outstanding Contribution to Experimental Performance.