Desna Whaanga-Schollum /
Desna Whaanga-Schollum (M.Sci-Comm. B.Design)
Iwi : Rongomaiwahine, Kahungunu, Pāhauwera. Hapū: Ngāi Tahu Matawhaiti
Currently resident in her iwi territories on the East Coast of Aotearoa, DWS collaborates with a wide variety of communities, scientists, public servants and business professionals, artists and academics. An Ambassador for Landscape Foundation NZ, Desna is actively involved in indigenous discourse, working towards reinscribing ancestral narratives in the cultural landscape, acknowledging respect for place, and reciprocal relationships with place. Her governance roles include: Chair, Ngā Aho Māori Design Professionals; Chair, Artspace Aotearoa; Trustee, Arts Foundation NZ; Board Member, Auckland Urban Design Panel.