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2022 Federal Election


We have been working with our colleagues to create messaging that is cross art form, cross geographies and unifies the Arts and Creative industries messaging and election asks.

The concept is to provide messaging that can be used to support of a ‘whole of sector’ approach. A suite of messages that generate understanding of the values the arts, and a means to create a collective voice while amplifying unique and specific needs.

Art and culture are Everywhere. In regions, towns and cities, in remote communities, across landscapes and geographies. In townhalls, on streets, in parks, community centres, libraries, schools and hospitals. In galleries, museums, concert halls. On stages and on screen, in music and media, in print and online.

Art and culture are Essential in the creation of liveable regions and are central to thriving, healthy communities and sustainable social and economic growth.

Theatre Network Australia have been champions and have prepared pre-designed tiles / banners for anyone to use.


Banners & Posts
Suitable for Facebook and LinkedIn profile banners
Suitable for Instagram and Facebook posts

Using your own image editing software to place these templates over your own images to create your own posts and banners. Includes options for both coloured and white text. Read the TNA tutorial on how to use these in Canva.

Design Files
Create your own individual posts and banners. Must have access and be able to use Adobe InDesign 2022.


Each of the posts/banners TNA has provided includes:

  • A clear and simple message which includes either the word ESSENTIAL or EVERYWHERE
  • A proof point (a statistic or piece of evidence that backs up the statement on the post/banner)
  • A specific ask (what we want people to do)

You may want to create messages in your own words that your community identifies more strongly with, but we recommend you try and include some kind of proof point, and the same ask.

We encourage you to use/add your own individual stories and evidence to support the message and ask.

#ArtAndCultureAreEverywhere #ArtAndCultureAreEssential #VoteForArt